Institutional Profiles
Illinois Approved Pre-Licensure Nursing Education Programs
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Position | College | County | City | Degree | Public / Private | Program Details | Address | School Code |
*Private Business and Vocational Schools (PBVS). For more information, see the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) website:
*Note: Ladder Option: this is an RN program only – with an LPN “option out”. These schools do not have a corresponding stand alone LPN program. These schools do have an approved LPN program code so that students may take the LPN licensure exam after a certain time designated by the curriculum. Contact the school for further information.
*Note: ACCL: Accelerated RN Baccalaureate Program: one of the admission criteria into this program is a baccalaureate or higher degree in another discipline. The RN Baccalaureate Programs listed above with “*ACCL” also have a generic/undergraduate RN program.